Products Available

Unmanned Systems Specifications Database
Identify the current market and position your company for unmanned market competition. Receive up to date information on current competitors in the unmanned industry. Provides detailed specifications on all unmanned systems platforms, including UAVs, AUVs, ROVs, USVs, and UGVs. Specifications are updated daily, as new information is received.

» View Sample

Unmanned Systems Manufacturers Directory
A detailed directory of manufacturers involved in the global Unmanned Systems market, including key contact information.

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Unmanned Systems Project Reports
Detailed information on active and future global Unmanned Systems programs. Includes new acquisitions and modernization opportunities, where available. Covers UAVs, UMVs, and UGVs.

Unmanned Systems Country Reports
Most comprehensive report on the global Unmanned Systems market. This all-inclusive product includes all other AMI Unmanned Systems products, and includes 2 Free Days of Analytic Services from AMI's Analysts.

Unmanned Systems Hot News
A monthly newsletter dedicated to developments in the global Unmanned Systems marketplace.

Unmanned Systems Analytic Services
Available only with the AMI Unmanned Systems Country Reports product. 2 Free Days a Year of focused market and competitive research from AMI's Analysts. Can be increased to include more days of Analytic and/or Advisory Services.

Other Products Available at AMI International:

» Worldwide Naval Projections Report™ – WNPR provides focused intelligence assessments on individual market needs. This comprehensive product addresses all ongoing naval ship new construction and modernization projects for 72 of the world's ocean-going navies, including those projects likely to occur in the next 20 years. The individual country reports are continuously updated to keep marketing efforts focused and abreast of current opportunities.

» Naval Systems Projections Database™ - NSPD was developed as an analytical tool to assist AMI's analysts in the production and updating of the Worldwide Naval Projections Report™. The database has also proven to be an invaluable product in assessing future acquisition trends and price estimates for our clients.

» World Missile Systems Database™ - This website has been designed with the rocket scientist, military user, defense supplier, journalist, and hobbyist in mind. It is the first relational database of missiles available to the public. The database covers over 1,600 missiles, smart bombs, guided artillery shells, and rockets. Specifications, textual information as well as line drawings and photographs are included with each missile entry. Additionally, custom queries can be set by users to narrow your search by calling up to five different qualifiers.

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“Worldwide Naval Projections Report™”, “Naval Systems Projection Database ™”, “Missile Systems of the World™”, “World Missiles On-Line™”, “Existing Ships Database™”, “AMI International HOT NEWS™”, and “Naval Ships Transfer Assessment A Ten Year Perspective™” are all copyrighted works prepared by AMI International. AMI International copyright data, be it in book or electronic form, or as attachments in email or used in part in any report, briefing or table are restricted specifically to your company’s authorized employees that are party to the subscription agreement with AMI International.